Infringer / Licensee Identification

Infringer / Licensee Identification

Licensing is important when it comes to monetizing IPs. However, searching the most important potential licensee is possible only when you have done an efficient and reliable infringer / Licensee identification search. With this in mind Global IP Partners came up with Infringer / Licensee identification search service to crack the best deal so that you get real worth of your IPs.

Why Global IP Partners?

Analyzing product portfolios of companies of interest and listing all their potentially infringing products.

Providing initial excerpts of infringement analysis for each product (if no potentially infringing candidate found, providing this analysis for the closest product identified).

Best for those who are looking for detailed analysis of potential licensee.

Certified Quality Assurance

Global IP Partners quality management system is ISO 9001 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified. Our commitment to quality spans every stage of the project lifecycle, from initial request through on-time delivery.

How Can We Help You?

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